Fiskars market place

Fiskars market place is in the center of the village and bring life to the historical surroundings with it’s events. It is a meeting place for both locals and visitors.



Peltorivi 1, 10470 Fiskars

Location on map

The market place is a meeting place for all. it is situated in the heart of the village, next to the big parking space and close to all services. There are six kiosks at the market place that can be rented for longer periods of time and there are also 4x4m places available for shorted periods of time. Locals can sell at the market place free of charge.

The market place hosts also bigger events such as the Vintage market during summer time and several food markets around the year.

Welcome as a seller or as a visitor!

The market place activities are controlled by the village association Fiskars Kyläseura ry.


Parking. Market place parking area