Fiskars Christmas Fair

sat 25.11. – sun 26.11.2023

Crafts, delicacies, food and good atmosphere! Welcome to the annual Christmas fair at Fiskars Village Sat-Sun 25-25 November 2024 from 10am to 4pm.

The Christmas Fair conmbines two events; a food fair and a handicraft fair. You’ll find local delicacies, Christmas dishes, local beverages, arts and crafts and gifts.

Place: Copper smithy, Kuparivasarantie 5, 10470 Fiskars

Time: Sat-Sun 25-26 November at 10am to 4pm.

Organizer: PohjanGurut ry, SeriMeri Oy and Fiskars Village

Information: Food market PohjanGurut Sami Paatero p. 050 328 2127

Craft market/ Tarja Mustakallio SeriMeri p.0400 637070

Arriving to Fiskars:

  • We recommend leaving your car at the Assembly hall parking area or Market place parking area.
  • The Copper smithy is at a walking distance from the parking areas. The event venue is accessible.
  • There are toilets in the event venue and next to the Market place parking area.

Copper Smithy

Kuparivasarantie 5, 10470 Fiskars. Parking on Market place parking area or Assembly hall parking area.